- Maintaining healthy membranes and cells and may increase immune function.
- Transporting fats for correct digestion and removal.
- Assist in the mobility of moving parts within body & optimises cellular permeability.
- Assist in the absorption of nutrients within the brain.
- Increases liver function and reduces cholesterol levels.
Research found that 95-98% of all humans are most likely to have a P.E.P.C deficiency. Phospholipids are essential for transporting essential fatty acids to the required cells, it is also required for healthy cell membranes. By adding P.E.P.C to your supplement regime, you can greatly enhance system functionality and transport of nutrients within the body. Phospholipids are found in certain foods, but in cooked food almost all phospholipids are lost.
- Fatty Liver, Auto Immune disorders,
- Eating & Digestion Disorders, Poor Enzyme
- effectiveness, Poor Circulation, Intra Cellular Damage, Lack of Brain-Body
- Communication, Mental Disorders & Migraines